Umi launches the hotel & hospitality industry’s first Cycle Hub

Umi has created a dedicated portal for showcasing London tours, safe routes and discounts for guests who cycle.  Developed by clean-tech start-up PleaseCycle the new umi cycle hub will help guests find everything they need to know about cycling in London.

The success of the Barclays Cycle Hire scheme (6 million journeys across London in the first year of the scheme) has led to an increased number of hotel guests asking about cycling tours and bike facilities.

PleaseCycle founder Anthony Ganjou said “We noticed 5 of the top 10 London attractions on were cycling tours and yet of the 100 hotel concierges we phoned, less than 2% offered information or advice on cycling.  The hotel cycle hub instantly allows partners to give their guests a free online resource covering everything cycling in London, it will also allow them to get money off tours when they take a Boris Bike and find other cycle friendly activities.”

The mobile and iPad-friendly cycle hub comes completely tailored to our Bayswater location showing safe cycle routes, local Barclays Cycle Hire Stations and the best apps to help visitors get around London on two wheels.  Content on the cycle hub has been created by a selection of leading professional cyclists who know London inside out.  Later in the year, users will even be able to redeem discounts from retailers when they cycle around the city.

Umi Hotels founder Steve Lowy said of the launch “It made a lot of sense to create a branded digital space where our guests could instantly access everything they need to know about cycling in London.”

The umi cycle hub can be found at and allows guests to access routes, tours, weather information and in time, discounts for London, from their smart phone.  The hub will be dynamic with new routes, official information and new cycle hotspots continually being updated online.

Other hotels interested in having a cycle hub created for their brand should contact PleaseCycle on +44(0)20 7631 2090.