January competition winner ‘thrilled’ with iPod prize

We’re delighted to announce that Jo Bryan is the winner of our January newsletter competition. Jo, who’s from Peterborough, correctly identified that Russian Blues are a breed of cat and has now been sent the blue iPod shuffle competition prize.

On hearing the news of her win, Jo wrote: “I am thrilled to have won. My daughter has been hankering after one for a while.”

Jo’s daughter Paige is now the proud owner of said iPod and Jo reliably informs us that it’s already being put to good use: “Paige is listening to all her current favourites on the iPod, including Snow Patrol, Jessie J, Ed Sheeran and Adele.”

Although Jo hasn’t stayed at umi yet, she subscribed to the newsletter after seeing the hotel group mentioned in a press release. As a review blogger, Jo is always on the look out for great ideas and deals she can blog about and umi’s attractive rates have left her in no doubt that she’ll be making a trip to stay at one of the umi locations in the not too distant future.