Key Dates for 2013/2014 UK Tax Year

We know that tax is the bane of most people’s lives, but if you know exactly what lies in store, you can plan ahead to make things much easier. This calendar should help you establish what the 2013/14 key tax deadlines are. You should make note of the following dates:


                                                 Tax event and action needed

6 April 2013 

First day of new tax year.
HMRC issue Self Assessment Returns and Notices to Complete a Return for tax year up to 5 April 2013.
If you are self-employed or have property income, you’ll need to start organizing detailed records from this date to be able to do your tax return for the financial year 2013/14.

31 May 2013

Copies of 2012/13 P60 are to be issued to employees.

06 July 2013

Copies of 2012/13 P11d are to be issued to employees.

31 July 2013

Deadline for second Self Assessment payment on account for tax year ended 5 April 2013.
If 2012/13 is your first year completing a tax return this will not apply to you.
If you have already done one tax return, you’ll be given an estimated amount to pay HMRC based on what you earned in the previous tax year. This payment goes towards your total tax owed for the year 2012/13. You will already have made your first payment on account for this tax year back in January.

05 October 2013

Deadline to notify chargeability for Income Tax/ Capital Gains Tax for 2012-13 if not registered for Self Assessment. Complete form CWF1 for self-employment or form SA1 for non self-employed income.

31 October 2013

Deadline for paper submission of Self Assessment tax returns for tax year ended 5 April 2013. If you want to submit a paper return, you need to have it in by this date otherwise you could be fined. However, if you miss this date you still have until January 31st to file it online.

1 November 2013 

Paper Returns submitted from now will attract a £100 penalty.

30 December 2013

Deadline for online submission of Self Assessment tax returns for tax year ended 5 April 2013 for HMRC to collect tax through clients’ PAYE codes, where they owe less than £3,000.

31 January 2014 

Deadline for online submission of Self Assessment tax returns for tax year ended 5 April 2013.
Deadline for paying Self Assessment ‘balancing payments’ for tax year ended 5 April 2013.
Deadline for first Self Assessment payment on account for tax year ended 5 April 2013.

01 February 2014 

£100 Fine imposed where HMRC requested Return for 2012/13 but not submitted. Interest starts to run on unpaid tax as at 31 January 2014.

05 April 2014 

Last day of tax year.
Deadline for claiming back PAYE tax for tax year 2009/10.
Deadline for claiming back Self Assessment tax for tax year 2009/10.

If you need any assistance with your UK tax affairs do not hesitate to register for professional assistance here! has been providing tax refund services for people working in the UK since 1996. It’s FREE to find out how much you’re owed so check now. The company offers income tax refunds from 16 different countries so if you worked in another country it’s worth checking if you are due any tax refunds.

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