April newsletter competition winner revealed!
For April’s competition, we wanted to help the birds of the UK by giving away a lovely bird house to one lucky winner.
We asked: What is the most common wild bird in the UK? Robin, House Sparrow or Wren. The answer was, of course…. WREN as Richard James tells us on the RSPB website here: http://www.rspb.org.uk/advice/expert/previous/mostcommon.aspx Ooh, I din’t know that. Did you?
Well, at least one of you did. Congratulations Susan Cowan who won this lovely prize! Susan tells us that her son is an avid bird watcher but that his avid-ness has spurred her to take an interest in bird watching too! She tells us that her favourite bird is the Robin.
Well, Susan, perhaps your new bird home will help those gorgeous red-crested birds in the Winter time. Do send us pics of any birds that do move in. We’d love to see them 🙂