April newsletter competition winner revealed!
The winner of the April newsletter competition has been announced and we couldn’t have picked anyone more deserving! University student, Nicole Sinclair, was cooped-up in the library working her way through another tedious assignment, when she received the news that she had won a Cadbury’s celebration hamper, choc with £50 worth of delicious goodies. Nicole said that finding out that she had won such a fantastic prize had made her week!
Nicole told us “I haven’t got my hands on it yet as i got it sent to my home address but it will be my treat for finishing my degree, but I have no intentions of sharing it! It will probably be finished within a few days as I’m a chocoholic- my mum and my boyfriend’s mum bought me eggs for Easter and they were demolished within 2 days!”
Nichole hasn’t yet visited any of the umi Hotels, with all her studying there’s little time for galavanting! Although, after all the hard work she’s put in at University there is sure to be a well deserved break on the cards, perhaps a Moscow adventure?
Everyone at umi wishes Nicole the best of luck with her Degree- we hope she gets the results she deserves!